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Our School vision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Our school aims to provide every child with the best chance to succeed in life through providing a fully inclusive and high-quality school experience. We will provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum to all pupils including those with SEND. In line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015) our SEND system has a strong focus on improving outcomes for all our children through encouraging open communication with parents and carers, regulated health care professionals, teaching staff, teaching assistants and the pupil through a culture of active listening and mutual respect.

The SEND Aims at Our School

• To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

• To ensure, where necessary, an adapted curriculum is provided.

• To ensure early identification of all pupils requiring additional support.

• To ensure that pupils with SEND participate, where possible, in extracurricular activities and the general life of the school community.

• To ensure that parents/carers of pupils with SEND are fully informed and consulted with regards to their child’s progress and additional needs.

• To ensure that open, productive communications are developed and maintained with parents and carers of pupils with SEND where the parent/carers input is actively sought and valued.

• To ensure that pupils are involved in decisions which affect their future.

• To ensure that clear, open communications are developed and maintained with outside agencies